Making the Most Out of Your Next Opportunity

Here’s a glance at this lesson…


>> [02:17] What to expect in the first 90 days.


>> [05:46] Strategies to be successful during your probationary period.


>> [11:05] Identifying professional development opportunities at work to build new skills.


>> [13:56] Articulate your career goals to your manager.


>> [16:24] Building skills and knowledge through self-study.


At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:


•  Apply strategies to successfully navigate the first 90 days of your new position.


•  Identify opportunities for advancement and growth at your place of employment.


•  Recognize the importance of professional development in building skills for career success.

Use the Take Notes widget at the bottom right of the page to answer these questions and complete the exercises for this unit.


Questions to Consider


1. What are some strategies that you can use to be successful in the first 90 days of a new position?


2. What are some examples of opportunities you can seek out at work to advance in your career?


3. Why is professional development important for career success?



1. Make a plan for building your career. First, identify resources you can use to continue to build and grow as a professional. These could be podcasts, industry publications or certifications. Next, subscribe to these resources and make time in your calendar to stay up to date on industry trends and/or complete certifications.


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Making the Most Out of Your Next Opportunity

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Beyond Graduate School
Denver, USA

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