How to Persuade People to Hire You

Here’s a glance at this lesson…


>> [00:55] How to clearly identify your goals for attending a career fair.


>> [04:39] Questions you can ask employers when attending career fairs.


>> [11:34] Research you should do before attending a career fair.


>> [15:54] Preparing your elevator pitch: how to introduce yourself to employers at career fairs.


>> [17:03] Examples of elevator pitches.


>> [21:38] Tips for attending a career fair with confidence.

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

• Identify your goals for attending career fairs.

• Develop a career fair strategy and approach.

• Apply tips and strategies to achieve your goals and meet your expectations.

Use the Take Notes widget at the bottom right of the page to answer these questions and complete the exercises for this unit. Open or download the spreadsheet to complete exercise #1. 

Questions to Consider


1. Why it is important to adopt the discourse of the professional workspace?

2. What do you need to communicate to employers during your professional job search?


3. What are some examples of your technical skills, interpersonal skills, and personal qualities?



1. In Know Your Options, you created a spreadsheet that listed all your transferable skills with evidence of where you applied those skills. Open your spreadsheet and re-write your statements into the language of employers. If you did not do this first exercise in Know Your Options, download the spreadsheet and instructions above to complete it.


2. Building a professional discourse takes time. There were many strategies discussed in the video for achieving this objective. What steps will you take to continue to build your professional discourse? Set 4 SMART goals.

How to Persuade People to Hire You

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