Struggling with your job search?

Find out what you need to do to move forward.

Get Unstuck and Move Forward in Your Job Search

Are you a busy master’s student juggling intense coursework, internships, and applying for jobs? 


Are you eating dinner in front of the computer again, wondering how you can possibly search for jobs, network, and apply to positions while completing your masters?


If you’re feeling overwhelmed about job searching during and after your master’s you’re not alone. But there is a way out.


What you need is an effective job search strategy and a plan to help get you there. 

Take the 5 minute quiz.

Discover 3 steps you should take next in your job search.

Based on hundreds of hours of research, we’ve identified the hidden barriers that keep graduate students stuck in their job search. This tool will help you identify why you’re stuck and provide you with 3 concrete steps to take next. 



Take the assessment, learn your next steps, and move forward with a plan. 


With a plan and effective job search strategies, you’ll feel less overwhelmed and more confident knowing what steps you need to take to build your future career.

Get paid for your skills and education, without wasting time on failed job search strategies.

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