91% of master’s students enroll in graduate programs to advance their career and financial futures. During their studies, they look to departments for guidance on how to leverage their graduate education.



Yet 67% of graduate students feel they lack the professional development they need for their job search.


Our Master’s Career Training platform is uniquely designed to help departments prepare their master’s students for career success. Through research-driven curriculum and on-demand resources, your master’s have access to the job search tools and information they need, whenever and wherever they need it.


Sign-up to receive emails on Beyond Grad School career trainings, events, and resources to share with your students. Typically we share these updates with department chairs, graduate coordinators, or program administrators.

Master's graduates are struggling to
launch careers

Master’s students and graduates are struggling to build careers. 60% of MBAs and 40% of master’s degrees have a negative ROI. 63% of master’s students have regrets about their degrees. And 40% of Master’s and MBAs are underemployed.


When they fail to land a job in their career field, they blame their department and doubt the value of their degrees.


But it’s not their education that’s failing them; it’s their lack of job search strategy. They don’t know how to conduct a successful job search because they aren’t finding the support they need from their departments or graduate programs.

I have applied to 200+ jobs and have gotten only 2 interviews. I have been primarily using Indeed and

I'm not currently using LinkedIn and I've heard mixed opinions about it.

I have a masters degree in robotics and 2 years of experience. I've applied to hundreds of jobs, I rarely hear back, but when I do I usually make it to the second or third round of interviews. Then I either never hear back or the job goes to some one with more experience. I just feel so defeated.

Why did I get this degree if it doesn't mean anything.

I send out massive amounts of applications ad hardly ever even hear back. For the last 6 months, I have been applying to pretty much anything and everything.

It seems like having 2 grad degrees made me unemployable.


The reputation of a graduate program and, in turn, its long-term future, are directly connected to alumni career success.


Master’s students need support leveraging their education into their desired career paths.


That’s why we partner with 45+ institutions, to provide scalable, research-driven career resources designed for the unique needs and demands of master’s students.

Subscribe to receive Beyond Grad School workshop information and share our career trainings with your students.

Beyond Prof’s Career Training platform helps doctoral students and postdocs explore career optionslearn job search strategies through structured curriculum; and secure employment in their field of interest.

Structured curriculum

Students are guided through research-based, structured curriculum to help them through each stage of their job search. Video lessons, workbooks, and assessments help facilitate their learning experience.

Career video library

Master's students can explore our one-of-a-kind video library, where they can watch interviews with master's degree holders working in all career sectors: government, higher ed, industry, and non-profits.

Live events

In addition to the guided video lessons, students have access to monthly live events to receive answers to their questions and stay up-to-date on industry hiring trends.

After completing programming in the Platform students will have:


Confidence in Your Job Search Skills.

Say goodbye to all the questions you have about resume writing, job applications, and interviewing for internships. We’ll help you learn how to write the best documents and prepare for meeting with employers. 




Foundational Framework to Launching a Career Post-Master’s.

We’ll take the guesswork out of the job search process and show you what makes, or breaks, a job search. Students learn the step-by-step process of a successful job search. These research-driven strategies help master’s students avoid common mistakes in failed job searches.



The Know-How to Engage Employers.

Learn how to leverage your education into the professional career you want, so that you can get paid for your skills, education, and experience.






Skills for Degree Completion.

Juggling course work, life, and professional work can feel impossible. Beyond Graduate School helps master’s students develop the skills they need for degree completion — so you can finish that master’s and move forward in your career. Learn how to build a manageable roadmap for your career while completing studies.




Supporting all Master’s Students.

Our one-of-a-kind video library hosts 100+ career interviews with master’s graduates from 16 different academic disciplines. Listen to graduates from your discipline, so you can get the program specific advice you need to launch your career. 






What people are saying about Beyond Graduate School programming

“I really enjoyed your program which has elevated my resume and cover letters, and helped me understand how to effectively market myself… I am happy to report that I have signed a job offer.”

“Your no-nonsense way of communicating the truth really shook me out of my inertia of just doing what grad students are trained to do… I really appreciated learning about the 4 step plan to transitioning that you developed, which gave me an incredible starting place when I had no idea what to do. Your advice has helped me to get 2 job offers”.”

“No question, but this was WONDERFUL. Loads of useful information that go beyond the “traditional” tips and tricks. Thank you, and looking forward to receiving the recording to have and reflect on.”

“I’ve had so much anxiety about this process and this 45 minute webinar has imparted so much wisdom. I feel like I have the wise parent who has my back. I feel more grounded for the first time in months. The way you translated things into the most digestible words was magic: focus on where you have applied the top skills with success.”

Prepare Your Graduate Students for Success

Share Beyond Graduate School resources with your master’s students. By sharing these resources with your students, graduate programs can ensure that their students and graduates feel confident about their future careers. 



Sign-up to receive emails on Beyond Grad School career trainings, events, and resources to share with your students. 


Typically we share these updates with department chairs, graduate coordinators, or program administrators.


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Subscribe to receive updates on Beyond Grad School career trainings, events, and resources for your students. Typically we share these updates with department chairs, graduate coordinators, or program administrators.

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