

Learn the step-by-step process of a successful job search, so that you can get paid for your skills and education.

BEYOND GRADUATE SCHOOL is the only online professional development training platform for master’s students that helps them successfully leverage their education into meaningful careers. This research-driven platform is informed by nearly a decade of experience supporting graduate students to launch new careers with their skills and training.
What I found most helpful was... the holistic approach of the grad school process and job searching, and keeping job search in mind from the start. I'm in the second year of my Masters, and I wish I had had this info when I started!
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- Master's Student -
"I most appreciated the visual for priorities in a 2 year program. It was the first time I visually saw that laid out in such a way and it really helped it sink in of all to do over those 2 years. While at first it was overwhelming, the explanation and breaking it down helped me see how manageable it is. This is compared to simply hearing over and over how 'you will work and study and keep up with your life'. So I greatly appreciated that visual!"
- Master's Student -
All the trainings have been awesome. The concrete steps are the best - using the STAR strategy to make impact statements, which kinds of industries are growing or declining, where specifically to find people to network with. I like concrete action items so I can end the call and know exactly what to do now.
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- Master's Student -

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