Building Your Network for Career Success

Here’s a glance at this lesson…


>> [02:15] Building a positive relationship with your manager.


>> [05:05] Creating a community at work.


>> [07:44] Using LinkedIn to build your career.


>> [12:32] The importance of a local network in an increasingly virtual world.


At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:


•  Apply strategies to build positive relationships with team members and your manager.


•  Explain how you can use LinkedIn to build your network and career.


•  Recognize the importance of a local network in an increasingly virtual world.

Use the Take Notes widget at the bottom right of the page to answer these questions and complete the exercises for this unit.

Questions to Consider

1. Who should you build relationships with at work?

2. What are the goals for using LinkedIn at the Build step?


1. Following the tips from the video lesson, set up appropriate meetings, lunches, or coffee breaks with your manager, team members, and colleagues to learn more about the company, your role, and the roles of your colleagues. 


2. Make a plan for engaging regularly on LinkedIn and building your network. How will you engage? What will you share?


3. Research opportunities to build relationships with professionals in the city where you live (or plan to live). Outline the steps you will take to start building your local network.

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Building Your Network for Career Success

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Beyond Graduate School
Denver, USA

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